Contributed Talks 1c
Mon, 2 Sep 2024, 16:30 - 19:00
- Twin Field Quantum Key Distribution Across National Scale Telecommunication InfrastructureMirko Pittaluga (Toshiba Europe Ltd); Yuen San Lo (Toshiba Europe Ltd); Adam Brzosko (Toshiba Europe Ltd); Robert I. Woodward (Toshiba Europe Ltd); Matthew S. Winnel (Toshiba Europe Ltd); Thomas Roger (Toshiba Europe Ltd); James F. Dynes (Toshiba Europe Ltd); Piotr Rydlichowski (Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center); Domenico Vicinanza (GEANT Vereniging); Guy Roberts (GEANT Vereniging); Andrew J. Shields (Toshiba Europe Ltd)[abstract]Abstract: Quantum Communications (QC) harness quantum mechanical phenomena such as superposition and entanglement to enhance information transfer between remote nodes. Coherent quantum communications refer to QC schemes relying on maintaining optical coherence between nodes for successful execution. These schemes typically involve single photon interference between optical fields generated by distant parties and represent a cornerstone of a promising architecture of the quantum internet. Despite their significant potential, scientific and technical hurdles - including optical coherence maintenance, integrating high-performance single-photon detectors, and precise stabilisation and synchronisation - have prevented the implementation of coherent QC over existing telecommunication infrastructure. Here we present the first realisation of a coherent QC fully integrated into standard telecommunication infrastructure over a link connecting the German cities of Frankfurt and Kehl. The implemented scheme is the Twin Field Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocol, enabling the distribution of a shared secret key for encryption at a rate of 110 bit/s over a highly asymmetric 254 km link. This result, obtained with a system featuring measurement-device-independent properties, marks the longest installed QKD implementation utilising non-cryogenic cooled detectors and was enabled by the QC system architecture we developed and by our approach to phase stabilisation, which involves active out-of-band phase stabilisation and avalanche photodiodes for single photon detection. This achievement, not only represents a milestone for practical quantum communications but also validates the compatibility of coherent QC with current telecommunication infrastructure, supporting the feasibility of a phase-based architecture for the quantum internet.
- Implementation of mode-pairing quantum key distribution in inter-city networksYizhi Huang (Center for Quantum Information, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University); Hao-Tao Zhu (Hefei National Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei); Wen-Xin Pan (Hefei National Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei); Chao-Wu Zhou (Hefei National Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei); Mi Zou (Hefei National Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China); Shibiao Tang (QuantumCTek Corporation Limited, Hefei); Xiongfeng Ma (Center for Quantum Information, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University); Teng-Yun Chen (Hefei National Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei); and Jian-Wei Pan (Hefei National Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei)[abstract]Abstract: Quantum key distribution is a cornerstone of quantum technology, offering information-theoretical secure keys for remote parties. With many quantum communication networks established globally, the mode-pairing protocol stands out for its efficacy over inter-city distances using simple setups, emerging as a promising solution. In this study, we employ the mode-pairing scheme into existing inter-city fiber links, conducting field tests across distances ranging from tens to about a hundred kilometers. Our system achieves a key rate of $1.217$ kbit/s in a $195.85$ km symmetric link and $3.089$ kbit/s in a $127.92$ km asymmetric link without global phase locking. The results demonstrate that the mode-pairing protocol can achieve key rates comparable to those of a single quantum link between two trusted nodes on the Beijing-Shanghai backbone line, effectively reducing the need for half of the trusted nodes. These field tests confirm the mode-pairing scheme's adaptability, efficiency, and practicality, positioning it as a highly suitable protocol for quantum networks.
- Asynchronous Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution with Local Frequency ReferenceChengfang Ge (Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences); Lai Zhou (Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences); Jinping Lin (Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences); Hua-Lei Yin (Renmin University of China); Zhiliang Yuan (Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences)[abstract]Abstract: A post-measurement coincidence pairing technique is proposed to hold a repeater-like advantage and simultaneously mitigate the global phase tracking. Here, we demonstrate a practical asynchronous MDI-QKD system with an excellent long-term stability. With the use of two independent economical acetylene-stabilized fiber lasers, we achieve a secure key rate (SKR) of 14.65 bit/s over 504 km fiber, beating the absolute repeaterless bound by 1.18 times. Our work will advance the development of economical and efficient quantum network.
- Hacking twin-field quantum key distribution via wavelength-switching attackPeng Qingqian (National University of Defense Technology); Chen Jiupeng (Jinan Institute of Quantum Technology); Xing Tianyi (National University of Defense Technology); Wang Dongyang (National University of Defense Technology); Wang Yizhi (National University of Defense Technology); Ying Guo (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Liu Yang (Jinan Institute of Quantum Technology); Huang Anqi (National University of Defense Technology)[abstract]Abstract: The twin-field class quantum key distribution (TF-class QKD) has experimentally demonstrated the ability to surpass the fundamental rate-distance limit without requiring a quantum repeater, as a revolutional milestone. In TF-class QKD implementation, an optical phase-locked loop (OPLL) structure is commonly employed to generate a reference light with correlated phase, ensuring coherence of optical fields between Alice and Bob. In this configuration, the reference light, typically located in the untrusted station Charlie, solely provides wavelength reference for OPLL and does not participate in quantum-state encoding. However, the reference light may open a door for Eve to enter the source stations that are supposed to be well protected. Here, by identifying vulnerabilities in the OPLL scheme, we propose and demonstrate a wavelength-switching attack on a TF-class QKD system. This attack involves Eve deliberately manipulating the wavelength of the reference light to increase mean photon number of prepared quantum states, while maintaining stable interference between Alice and Bob as required by TF-class QKD protocols. The maximum observed increase in mean photon number is 8.7%, which has been theoretically proven to compromise the security of a TF-class QKD system. Through this study, we disclose security vulnerabilities associated with TF-class QKD implementation and provide valuable insights into its practical security.